Happenings of our nutty world. STOP here if you are colourblind.


Saturday, December 29, 2007



Have you ever wondered how Man came to be? How Earth was created, how dinosaurs could have existed and roamed the surface of the planet for millions of years, how plants came to thrive in the perfectly tuned climes of this planet we live on? Have you wondered why we were chosen to be the dominant species hierarchically, the only creature capable of using mind and hand for art and technology? Have you ever questioned?

Do you know whether God exists before attributing every aspect of life to His eternal hand?

Did God create evolution, mold humans out of corn and clay, created light and warmer temperatures so crops could grow? Is it ever that easy? Easy, so we could just point all the miracles in life to a heavenly being we can call God? Was it a human creation, this God, a mere explanation which could ultimately unlock the true meaning of Life? Did you create God merely to explain the unexplained, which is how Life came to be, under the most trying and improbable of circumstances?

It is true, this God then. This Creator of all things living, and we are all part of his Grand Design?

We may never know, and all we know lies in the conspiracy theories cooked up by people who claim to have conversed with God over tea and then decided to form their own religions for the sake of creating a world of Good, humbled by the power of this God they have so conveniently created to instill fear in the hearts of all denizens of Earth.

We may never know, for if God proves to be a creation of Mankind, then He would most probably be as flawed as us, no different from all other inventions of Mankind, aimed for the better good, but flawed all the same.

The time has come for you to reconsider your stand.


Godspeed, good luck,
If we meet again.

Lights off

P/S: This blog post was not intended to denounce religion but to reaffirm your belief in it,that is by knowing what religion truly means.


About Me

"Be glad of life because it gives you the chance to love and to work and to play and to look up at the stars." - Henry Van Dyke